We have become a complete team, serving your company throughout Brazil
MOURÃO CAMPOS GROUP offers solutions in Legal Representation, BPO in the accounting, tax, financial and payroll areas and high-performance Paralegal Services, always focusing on optimizing processes, reducing costs and operational risks.
We are committed to excellence in the rendering of servicesevery service we provide. We recognize that every business is unique, so our solutions need to be too. We tailor our services to the specific needs of each client, whether they are an innovative start-up or a traditional multinational seeking consolidation in the Brazilian market.
Our values: commitment to excellence, credibility, proactivity, security, transparency and reliability.
More than a company. A complete group of solutions for those who want to do business in Brazil.
The positions held by members of MOURÃO CAMPOS are considered high risk and are only performed by companies undergoing a thorough audit to ascertain and control risks and contingencies.
Our Security and Control Policy offers high-performance internal tools, all managed by Sentinela®, our exclusive software.
Sentinela® provides all the necessary support to clients and former clients, ensuring an accurate mastery of any issues with public and private entities in Brazil (judicial or extrajudicial).
Integrity Program
MOURÃO CAMPOS values are the bedrock on which the firm was founded and continues to thrive. One of the reasons for this is the continuous dedication to improve standards and procedures in order to ensure the total security, integrity and confidentiality of its clients for the development of its business in the Brazilian market.
As part of MOURÃO CAMPOS Integrity Program, the Anti-Corruption Policy and the Code of Conduct bring together the conduct expected from MOURÃO CAMPOS Employees and Third Parties. Each employee, partner or supplier is a signatory to a pact of principles established in the Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy of the Mourão Campos law firm.
Privacy Policy
MOURÃO CAMPOS is committed to raising awareness among users of the www.mouraocampos.com.br website ("Website" and "Users", respectively) and customers who contract its services.
MOURÃO CAMPOS applies appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. Your personal data is stored securely on protected equipment.
For more information, visit the Privacy Policy.