Mourão Campos Group at the CoJur Road Show
Our CEO, Felipe G. M. Cargnin, represented Mourão Campos Group at the Road Show Brasil promoted by the Legal Committee (CoJur) of Italian Chamber of Commerce of São Paulo – Italcam , an initiative that connected Italian businesspeople and investors interested in exploring opportunities in Brazil.
The program passed through three important cities: Rome (11/11), Milan (13/11) and Treviso (15/11), with a delegation of more than 40 Brazilian lawyers who were present to interact with the participants and discuss topics such as Corporate, Labor, Real Estate, ADR, Tax, Sports, Intellectual Property, ESG, among others. The initial stage, in Rome, was attended by the Brazilian ambassador to Italy, Renato Mosca.
During the Road Show, the official launch of the guide “Rassegna Giuridica – Per le Opportunità d'Affari in Brasile” was made, in which Felipe contributed with the article “The legal representative and its importance in the protection of foreign investments”, written in co-authorship with the lawyer and partner at BCCO Accounting, Walther Bottaro.
We thank Italcam for the initiative and invitation.
Below are some recordings of the event in Rome.

On November 13th, the Legal Committee's (CoJur) Road Show Brasil, from Italian Chamber of Commerce of São Paulo – Italcam , took place at the headquarters of the Milan Chamber of Commerce.
The event brought together businesspeople, investors and experts interested in business opportunities in Brazil. The opening was in charge of the President of Italcam, Graziano Messana, accompanied by authorities such as the Consul of Brazil in Milan, Hadil da Rocha Vianna.
Our CEO, Felipe G. M. Cargnin, represented Mourão Campos Group as part of the delegation of more than 40 Brazilian lawyers who participated in the Road Show and the launch of “Rassegna Giuridica – Per le Opportunità d’Affari in Brasile”. The last event on the schedule took place in Treviso, on November 15th.
Check out some moments from these two dates.

The role of a legal representative in Brazil is essential for foreign companies to operate safely and in compliance with local legislation. More than a legal obligation, the representative plays a strategic role in governance and protecting investors' interests, mitigating risks associated with local and international operations. Its activities ensure compliance with laws such as the FCPA and the Bribery Act, in addition to preventing conflicts of interest and ensuring integrity in commercial relationships.
Our CEO, Felipe G. M. Cargnin, and the lawyer Walther Bottaro explore this topic in the article “The legal representative and its importance in the protection of foreign investments”, published in “Rassegna Giuridica – Per le Opportunità d’Affari in Brasile”.
The publication was launched by Italian Chamber of Commerce of São Paulo – Italcam during the Road Show Brasil promoted by its Legal Committee (CoJur), which took place last month, with stages in Rome, Milan and Treviso.
Access the full article clicking here.